我最喜欢的一件事 英语作文


第1个回答  2015-02-27
I love watching cartoons.
Everyday after school, I run back home right away to catch the cartoon I love, "Jack and Jarry". It's a cartoon telling the stories about a cat name Jack and a mouse Jarry. There are a lot of funny things happened to them. The cat is alwasy chasing after the mouse, trying to catch him and have him as his meals. But he fails every time. That are so cute and I cannot stop laughing whenever I watch it.
I love that little mouse and that funny cat a lot.追问



I love watching cartoons.
Everyday after school, I run home to watch the cartoon , "Jack and Jarry". It's a cartoon about a cat Jack and a mouse Jarry. There are many funny things . The cat is alwasy running after the mouse. That is so cute and I cannot stop laughing when I watch it.
I love that little mouse and that funny cat a lot.
