第1个回答 2011-06-19
51. examination success mainly depends on the level of effort.
52. the teacher spoke a lot about reading skills but also apply to learn English.
53. the students in our class ages are vary from 18 to 20 years.
54. what these customers complaining about?
55. the killing of insects has led to ecological imbalance.
第2个回答 2011-06-19
我知道完成句子错了就会扣好多好多分- -所以我有认真的看诶~
51)The success of the exam depends on the extent of the study hard.
52)The teacher said a lot about reading skills applies to learning English.
53)Our classmates' age varies from 18 to 20.(你看这一句词典翻的好奇怪,我就自己写了……)
54)What are these customers complaining about? (这一句词典写的也不对- -)
55)Killing insects has led to the ecological unbalance.(关于词典……我不想说话、、)
第3个回答 2011-06-19
51. Success in exam mainly depends on the extent of your effort to study.
52.Many reading skills our teacher taught can also be applied to English learning.
53.The ages of our classmates vary from 18 to 20.
54.What are these customers complaining about?
55.The insect-killing has lead to ecological imbalance.
Professional Provided by BelleFan Translation International
Belle Fan 对外翻译公司专业提供
第4个回答 2011-06-19
1.the success of exam mainly depends on the degree of studing hard
2.many reading skills about which the teacher has told a lot also applies to english learning
3.the age of our class is very from 18 to 20
4.what are these customers complaining about?
5.killing insects has led to the imbalance of the environment.
第5个回答 2011-06-19
The success in examinations is mainly depend on the degree of hardwork you have put in.
Many of the reading skills the teachers have taught aslo apply to English study.
The age of our classmates varies from 18 to 20.
What are the customers complaining about?
The killing of insects has led to the ecological unbalance.