After passing through thisNeo-Baroque phase, Cezanne began to paint bright outdoor scenes with Pissarro,but he never shared his fellow Impressionists’interest in “slice-of-life” subjects, in movement and change.About 1879, when he painted the Self-Portraitin figure 984, he had decided “to make of Impressionism something solid and durable, like the art of the museums.”His Romantic impulsiveness of the 1860s has now given way to a patient,disciplined search for harmony of form and color. Every brushstroke is like abuilding block, firmly placed within the pictorial architecture, which createsa subtle balance of “two-D” and “three-D.” (Note how the pattern of wallpaperin the background frames the rounded shape of the head.) The colors, too. aredeliberately controlled so as to produce “chords” of warm and cool tones thatreverberate throughout the canvas.
InCezanne's still lifes, such as Still lifewith Apples (fig. 985), this quest for the ‘solid and durable" can beseen even more dearly. Not since Chardin have simple everyday objects assumedsuch importance in a painter s eye. Again the ornamental backdrop is integratedwith the three-dimensional shapes, and the brushstrokes have a rhythmic patternthat gives the canvas its shimmering texture.
塞尚(Paul Cézanne,1839—1906)法国著名画家,是后期印象派的主将,从19世纪末便被推崇为“新艺术之父”。
毕沙罗(Camille Pissarro,1830—1903)法国印象派大师。
夏尔丹(Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin,1699~1779)法国画家。