
不断阅读,使我的眼界更宽阔,知识面更广泛,特别在时政,军事,历史等方面,他们由我的兴趣变成了我的特长 翻译成英语

Continual reading widens my horizon and enriches my knowledge, especially in politics、military and history, which makes my interest my strong point.

第1个回答  2013-04-17
Continual reading widens my horizon and enriches my knowledge, especially in politics、military and history, which makes my interest my strong point.抄的,做任务,如有雷同,请勿怪罪
第2个回答  2013-04-17
Keeping reading broadens my horizon and extends my scope of knowledge ,especially in current political affairs,military affairs and history and so on ,which makes my interest become my speciality.
第3个回答  2013-04-17
Keep reading, make my eyes wider, more extensive knowledge, especially in political, military, history and etc., they by my interest into my specialty 就这样吧