第1个回答 2012-10-08
Here's a short reflection on how to be good learners of English:
A good learner:
*Is never affraid to make mistakes and doesn’t mind to be corrected.
*Takes notes.
*Explains with his own words concepts and always makes sure he gets the point.
*Sets goals to learn English (how much time, when, where, how).
*Practices his English with Native Speakers as much as possible (when travelilng, with tourists or friends).
*Takes time to study as much as possible.
*Is never affraid to ask questions.
*Uses English in the classroom and outside with his friends.
*Watches T.V in English and listens to music in English.
*Takes tests to check his progress and his level.
*Thinks in English.
*Has fun and is motivated to learn English.
creative to find new ways/methods to learn more (Example: reading
magazines in English, recording himself, posting wallcharts in his room
to learn words, using the internet or a software, reads a small book, etc.)本回答被网友采纳